Why Calcmatics IT Program and Agile Project Managment Solution?

Calcmatics understand the imperativeness of effectively achieving Program and Project Management goals. This is why we employ certified Project Management Professionals who manage projects in accordance with PMI global standards. Our goal is to deliver comprehensive and scope-driven projects that are successfully executed through our value-driven approach. Regardless of the scale or complexity of a program, we tailor our processes to provide control, governance, and transparency from initiation to completion.

Furthermore, Calcmatics utilizes an Agile approach to solution all projects.  Calcmatics Agile Project Management emphasizes delivering functionality incrementally, by releasing small system increments or updates frequently, rather than relying on a single, massive deployment. This Agile approach enables programs to deliver prioritized capabilities to users more quickly. This approach also provides more flexibility than many traditional methods, reducing risk by providing opportunities to accommodate changing requirements and the ability to exploit technological advances in a timely fashion.

 Calcmatics Program, Project, and Agile Managment offers the following benefits:

  • Requirements and products move at a rapid, iterative pace to realistically accommodate technical advances.
  • Requirements are informed by discovery as challenges are resolved.
  • Solutions are produced in a series of smaller increments to reduce risk and meet evolving needs.
  • PMs are equipped to apply the Agile methodologies that best suit the needs of the program, team, customer, and environment.

Solution offered within the following spectrum of services:

  • Portfolio Management
  • IT Program Managment
  • IT Project Management
  • Agile PMO Support